Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Complaining is harmful. To those that do it and to those that hear it. It hurts God. It tells Him that we don't have faith in His ability to control the circumstances. We need to be thankful for every situation we are in. God places us here for a reason. We may not know or like it, but there is a purpose for it. God doesn't want to hear us whine. A group of missionary wives and got together a list of how to become content with their relationships and in the situations they face. I thought it was good enough to share.
1. NO complaining. Absolutely none. Not about the weather, the food, their health, the government. Nothing.
2. NO fantasies. No wishing to be somewhere else, be someone else, married to someone else, having a different body.
3. NO comparisons. Don't compare yourself or your situation to some one else's. Ever.
4. NO "if only" thoughts. Don't let those thoughts fill your mind. They are destructive and wasteful.
5. NO "what if" thoughts. We can't control the future. God has control over that don't get in his way.

1 comment:

C2 said...

Love it. I am going to save this and print it out and put it on my bulletin board at work..... :)